+254 723631512 [email protected]


The solution that you have dreamed

Avatech Consult has developed the breadth and depth of practical expertise to provide a comprehensive array of services that result in both  long term and short term effective Solutions. By working closely with clients at each stage of a project, Avatech Consult has built an impres-  sive track record of delivering projects that successfully meet the most exacting requisites. The company provides a broad spectrum of  professional engineering services which include the following:

Building and Structural Works
  • Conceptual Design Development
  • Detailed Engineering Analysis
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Development of Design Criteria
  • Analysis of Existing Facilities & Site Conditions
  • Engineering Recommendations & Reports
Final Engineering Design
  • Preparation of Final Design reports
  • Preparation of Supporting Calculations
  • Preparation of Construction Drawings
  • Local Building Permit Processing
  • Preparation of Engineer’s Construction Cost Estimates
  • QA/QC of Final Design
  • Peer Review of Final Designs
  • Value Engineering
Preparation of Contract Documents
  • Preparation of Construction Drawings
  • Preparation of Technical Specifications
  • Preparation of General & Special Specifications
  • Preparation of Contract Agreement
  • Preparation of Bid Documents
  • Preparation of Supporting Documents
  • Construction Engineering Management
Final Design and Bid Documents
  • Value Engineering
  • Constructability Review
  • Construction Cost Evaluation
  • Life Cycle Cost Evaluation
  • Claims Prevention Review
  • Contract Documents & Bidding Alternatives
  • Construction Scheduling & Phasing

Road and Highway Works

Technical Ground Preliminary Studies
  • Mapping and Aerial Photography
  • Ground Topographical survey
Traffic Studies:
  • Traffic Data collection/ Traffic Surveys and analysis
  • Traffic Model Development and Forecasts
Hydrology and Drainage Investigations
  • Drainage Data Collection
  • Drainage Data Analysis
  • Drainage Structures Design
Soils and Materials Investigations
  • Pavement and Soils Investigations
  • Borrow Pits and Querries Materials Investigations
  • Bridge Foundations Investigations
Feasibility and Preliminary Designs
  • Development of Design Alternative
  • Economic Viability
  • Comparison of Design Alternatives
  • Preliminary Cost Estimates
Detailed Design
  • Geometric and Drainage Design
  • Earthworks and Pavement Design
  • Bridge Design
  • Traffic Control and Road Furniture Design
Tender Documents and Engineering Cost Estimates
  • Construction Quantities
  • Project Specifications
  • Cost Estimates
  • Estimated Construction Schedule
  • Preparation of Tender Documents
  • Engineering Reports and Book of Drawings
Contract Bidding and Award
  • Pre-Qualification of Bidders
  • Solicitation of Bids
  • Pre-Bid Conference
  • Review of Contractor Qualifications
  • Bid Analysis & Contract Award
  • Pre-Construction Conference
Construction Supervision
  • Contract Administration
  • Project Document Control
  • Project Cost & Schedule Control
  • Resident Construction Inspection
  • Road Safety Awareness and Accident Prevention campaign
  • Approval of Submittals & Shop Drawings
  • Approval of Contractor Pay Requests
  • Change Order Control & Claims Analysis
  • Progress Construction Meetings
  • Verification of Materials Compliance
  • Verification of Materials Testing
  • Maintain As-Built Record Drawings
  • Project Close-Out &Correction List
Post-Construction Monitoring